


huliaras asteris

The Department of Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) is one of the most dynamic social science departments in Greece, with wide recognition both in the academic community and in the labour market in Greece and abroad.

It is characterized by its strong extroversion (which has resulted in significant and close collaborations with universities abroad), its interdisciplinary Undergraduate Studies Programme, its innovative postgraduate programmes and its rich and internationally recognized research activity.

The Department offers high quality teaching (in line with the best practices of the Bologna Process and using new technologies), conducts innovative research within internationally competitive programmes and provides significant prospects for the professional career of its graduates.

The Department is constantly enriching its curricula with a strong emphasis on the cultivation of communication and digital skills and preparing graduates for professional recognition in Greece and abroad.

It has very good facilities, excellent electronic infrastructure, a rich library and, above all, a teaching and administrative staff that is totally dedicated to its students.

The Department is proud of an extensive student mobility programme within the framework of the European Erasmus+ programme with collaborations with 27 distinguished universities abroad as well as a paid internship programme in 25 public (e.g. Parliament, ministries) and private sector (e.g. Netcompany/Intrasoft) as well as in research institutions (e.g. IDOS) and civil society organisations (e.g. Médecins sans Frontières).

As the Department's Accreditation Report by international professors states, "the Department (PEDIS) displays a strong coherence which is diffused at all levels of its functions. There is sincere commitment from everyone in the Department. (...) while students are supportive and proud of the Department, its staff and their studies".

Professor Asteris Huliaras
President of the Department

Ενημερωμένο: Ιουλίου